Blog Post

Should You Replace Your Windows Before Selling Your Home?

Aug 03, 2020
7:12 PM

A wise homeowner is always envisioning the future of their home. Sometimes, that future does not involve the current home. When considering selling your home, there are a number of factors that come into play. One of these is how to improve the value of your home. There is no question that remodeling your house increases its value. The question is how you decide to go about remodeling. Most homeowners are faced with two decisions, those being whether to do it yourself (DIY) or contact a professional. This decision should be made by identifying the differences to each approach. If you do it yourself, will the next homeowner receive a transferable warranty? If not, is the value increasing to its maximum potential? Now, let's get into the questions that should be asked if you are considering updating your soon-to-be-sold home: Are your current windows visibly in need of repair? If you were a potential buyer, would you want a house with damaged windows? No. If you can see the issues, newcomers will as well. Are there other renovations that need to be done? A leaking roof, for example, is more important than fixing low-quality windows. Use your best judgement to determine which projects are the priority. Are the windows energy-efficient? Windows enhance a home in more ways than one. Aside from the visual aspect, high-quality windows can improve a potential homeowner's heating bill. That is one of the most important factors to a possible buyer! Are you selling your home? Are you considering updating your house? We can help! Call TruHome at 608-426-6767 to schedule your FREE estimate today! "From old home to new home, trust TruHome."