Blog Post

Should You Repair Or Replace Your Windows?

Jun 08, 2021
8:23 PM

A cracked window is one of the worst things that a homeowner has to endure. Whether it is natural or from little Johnny accidentally hitting a baseball too close to the house, a window can crack when you least expect it. So, what's next? There are two options for dealing with this problem. First, you could find someone to repair the glass. Alternatively, you could replace the window itself. A repair would be more affordable than a complete replacement. On the flip side, a replacement would be invested back into the value of your house. As you can see, there are benefits to both options. From a short-term perspective, the repair would make more sense. With a long-term frame of mind, the replacement would save you money. If you put money into your home, which is an asset, you will receive that money back. However, this is dependent on you replacing the window with one that is sure to last. Make sure you purchase a window that has a lifetime warranty. That way, even if little Johnny cracks it again, you'll get a FREE replacement! It's a no-brainer. Invest in your home, invest in yourself! "From old home to new home, trust TruHome."